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I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This bundle includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a creative twist! This amazing resource invites Santa to deliver unique and special gifts to our students, including optimism, perseverance, mastery, strength, motivation, confidence, intelligence, the power of “yet,” and self-esteem. These are truly gifts worth cherishing! The letter to Santa serves as a valuable tool for students to reflect on their mindset and identify areas for improvement. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Minibooks, in black and white - 10 half pages (English and Spanish Version). BONUS - Growth Mindset Letters to Santa, in black and white - 1 page (English and Spanish Version). Enjoy the benefits of developing a growth mindset culture in your class!
End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of End of School Year Activities. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource provides your students with a gift they will cherish forever! It aims to reinforce gratitude and kindness. Both are essential attributes that offer significant benefits, improving the lives of students now and in the future. Encouraging these attributes is the best way to help students feel good about themselves, others, and the world around them. The checklist format is fantastic, encouraging your kids to reflect on the contributions they have made to the school, teachers, and classmates. This self-reflection instills a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their efforts. The bracelets are a powerful tool for students to recognize and appreciate the people who have supported them throughout the school year. Wearing these bracelets helps kids develop a sense of pride and gratitude for their accomplishments and the people who have helped them along the way. The pencils are readily printable and can be displayed in the hall or on a wall in the house. Get ready to receive many compliments! Remember, kindness and gratitude are contagious, and by promoting them in your students, you can help create an unforgettable memory that will last a lifetime. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: End of the Year Bracelets (English & Spanish Version) I am thankful for - “Chart” (English & Spanish Version) End of School Year Checklist (English & Spanish Version) School Memories (English & Spanish Version) This Year Was …Pencil Craft ( fantastic on a bulletin board) English & Spanish Version) Happy End of the School Year!
Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Celebrate Halloween creatively and help your students move from a fixed to a growth mindset! Guide your students to develop a deep awareness of their abilities, attitudes, challenges, and responsibilities in both learning and life. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the progress they’re making, reinforcing their confidence in the connection between effort and success. The power of the number three lies in its ability to inspire your kids to reflect on their thoughts and attitudes. Instead of collecting candies, they’ll be collecting wisdom. This resource is an absolute gem for introducing and fostering a growth mindset within the classroom, especially during Halloween celebrations. Motivate your students to share their mini books and responses with their families for additional reinforcement. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes (24 half pages) in total: A Growth mindset -Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book in black and white (12 half pages). A Halloween award/certificate placed at the end of the mini-book in color and black and white “just one-half page in color”. Mentalidad de crecimiento -Trick or “Treat” Halloween Minilibro en blanco y negro 12 medias páginas). Un certificado a color, ubicado al final del minilibro. Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
My 100th Day of School BUNDLE

My 100th Day of School BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My 100th Day of School. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Be proud to showcase to families and children how much they have learned, enjoyed, and grown during the first 100 days of school. The worksheets are perfect for morning work, writing centers, independent practice, or homework. The individual pages are excellent for creating a 100th Day of School packet and sending it home! The crown is amazing for your kids to proudly wear as they walk around the school, showcasing their creations. There is also an adorable certificate to award your little ones for their hard work and effort. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: 14 worksheets in black and white (Spanish and English Version) Two certificates in black and white (Spanish and English Version) Two crowns in black and white (Spanish and English Version) Happy 100th Day of School!
Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Overcoming My Challenges. These are FANTASTIC for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This activity is designed to aid students in developing coping mechanisms when faced with challenging situations. The resource is grounded in the main principles of a Growth Mindset, which emphasizes the power of embracing challenges, adopting a “yet” mentality, finding inspiration in the success of others, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes and criticism, and cultivating a positive attitude towards learning. By incorporating these principles into the activity, children acquire social and emotional competencies that will help them navigate challenging experiences effectively. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. BENEFITS: Students discover and find new strengths and weaknesses. This activity gives them a better understanding of themselves. Students are aware that they are competent in overcoming their challenges. Students become more responsible and committed with their own challenges Students focus on their effort and hard work instead of the outcome. This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - Overcoming Challenges Mini-book in black and white 12 pages An overhead transparency sample of Growth Mindset - Overcoming challenges Mini-book 12 pages. Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 páginas, con la palabra DESAFÍO Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 páginas, con la palabra RETO Una muestra del recurso completo en blanco y negro 12 páginas; para utilizarlo como ejemplo, así los estudiantes tienen un referente de cómo desarrollar la actividad. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. Thank you so much for sharing this resource with your students, I hope you enjoy!
Growth Mindset - Editable Awards BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Editable Awards BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Editable Awards. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Growth Mindset awards are an excellent way to celebrate your students’ improvements! This set of motivational awards includes the main principles of a Growth Mindset, praising your kids for all their effort and growth since the beginning of the year. These awards are perfect for monthly, quarterly, or end-of-year celebrations. Just click on the text boxes and type your students’ names, dates, grades, and teachers’ names to personalize them. When your students receive these awards throughout the year, a sense of community and a growth mindset environment will flourish in your classroom. By offering your class chances of success and progress, these awards encourage your students to do their best and embrace effort and hard work. Providing them with empowering phrases will stay with them for the rest of their lives. All the awards come with real Growth Mindset quotes, and there are 10 versions available for both boys and girls, making them more personalized for your students! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed product description. The resource includes: 30 Color Growth Mindset Awards. (English Version) 30 Black & White Growth Mindset Awards. (English Version) 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Color. (Spanish Version) 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Blanco y Negro (Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint: microsoft’s program for windows users ready to import in Google Slides. Keynote: first choice among Apple users, an exclusive software for Mac computers. PDF file: ready to print and complete by hand personalized with your own style. Editable parts of the Award: Student’s names Teacher’s name Date Grade Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Certificados o Diplomas Editables

Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Certificados o Diplomas Editables

Los premios Growth Mindset son una forma excelente de celebrar los progresos de los estudiantes. Este set de premios motivacionales incluye los principios fundamentales de una Mentalidad de Crecimiento, elogiando a tus niños por todo su esfuerzo y crecimiento desde el comienzo del año. Estos premios son perfectos para celebraciones mensuales, trimestrales o de fin de curso. Sólo tienes que hacer clic en los cuadros de texto y escribir los nombres de los estudiantes, las fechas, las calificaciones y los nombres de los maestros para personalizarlos. Cuando tus estudiantes reciban estos premios a lo largo del año, florecerá en tu clase un sentimiento de comunidad y un entorno de mentalidad de crecimiento. Al ofrecer a tu clase oportunidades de éxito y progreso, estos premios animan a los estudiantes a dar lo mejor de sí mismos y a abrazar el esfuerzo y el trabajo duro. Proporcionarles frases empoderadoras permanecerá con ellos para el resto de sus vidas. Todos los premios vienen con citas reales de Mentalidad de Crecimiento, y hay 10 versiones disponibles tanto para chicos como para chicas, ¡haciéndolos más personalizados para tus estudiantes! Este recurso incluye: 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Color. 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Blanco y Negro Formatos: Powerpoint: El programa de Microsoft para usuarios de Windows listo para importar en Google Slides. Keynote: Primera elección entre los usuarios de Apple, un software exclusivo para computadoras Mac. PDF file: Listo para imprimir y completar a mano, con tu propio estilo. Partes editables del Certificado o Diploma: Nombre del Estudiante Nombre del Maestro/a Fecha Curso/Grado Los certificados son: "----------------------------- ★ Related resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------" EN TOTAL: Descargarás 240 archivos
Gender Equality Activity - BUNDLE

Gender Equality Activity - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Gender Equality Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This activity provides a fun and accessible way for kids to explore their own identities, establish connections with those around them, and develop essential qualities such as self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and social support. Moreover, it promotes the values of sharing and kindness toward all individuals. Both boys and girls will learn the importance of self-worth and respecting others. This resource not only helps children comprehend and embrace gender differences but also emphasizes that boys and girls are equal in terms of rights, skills, opportunities, and more. Children will come to understand that gender equality is rooted in empathy and respect for one another. By immersing themselves in the first-person perspectives of individuals from different genders, boys, and girls are more likely to exhibit compassion towards people of those gender identities. Let us remember that in order to teach gender equality effectively, we must critically examine the messages we convey to our children on a daily basis. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Gender Equality Cover (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: What is Gender Equality (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: I Promote Gender Equality in My Classroom (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: Gender Inequality (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: We are Kids - Similarities and Differences (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Jobs Have No Gender (English and Spanish Version) Enjoy Teaching Gender Equality in your Class!
Igualdad de Género - Actividad (SPANISH VERSION)

Igualdad de Género - Actividad (SPANISH VERSION)

¿Estás buscando un recurso atractivo que introduzca eficazmente la igualdad de género a tus estudiantes? Esta actividad proporciona una forma divertida y accesible de que los niños exploren sus propias identidades, establezcan conexiones con quienes les rodean y desarrollen cualidades esenciales como la confianza en sí mismos, el bienestar, la aceptación de los compañeros y el apoyo social. Además, fomenta los valores de compartir y la amabilidad hacia todas las personas. Tanto los niños como las niñas aprenderán la importancia de la autoestima y de respetar a los demás. Este recurso no sólo ayuda a los niños a comprender y aceptar las diferencias de género, sino que también hace hincapié en que niños y niñas son iguales en cuanto a derechos, habilidades, oportunidades y mucho más. Los niños comprenderán que la igualdad de género se basa en la empatía y el respeto mutuo. Al sumergirse en las perspectivas en primera persona de individuos de distintos géneros, es más probable que los niños y las niñas muestren compasión hacia las personas de esas identidades de género. Recordemos que, para enseñar eficazmente la igualdad de género, debemos examinar críticamente los mensajes que transmitimos a nuestros niños a diario. Prepárate para ser testigo de la facilidad con la que puedes abordar el tema del género en tu clase. ¡Prepárate para asombrarte por el impacto positivo que tendrá! Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Igualdad de Género Portada Página 2: ¿Qué es la Igualdad e Género? Página 3: Yo Promuevo la Igualdad de Género en mi Clase Página 4: Desigualdad de Género Página 5: Somos Niños y Niñas - Semejanzas y Diferencias Página 6: Los Trabajos NO Tienen Género "------------------------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Igualdad de Género - Presentación PowerPoint Igualdad de Género Brazalete Manualidad ------------------------------------------------" Disfruta enseñando igualdad de género en tu clase!
Easter Egg Hunt Writing BUNDLE: Invitations, Sequencing, Pennant Craft & Letter

Easter Egg Hunt Writing BUNDLE: Invitations, Sequencing, Pennant Craft & Letter

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Easter Egg Hunt. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Make Easter extra special for your students with this Easter Egg Hunt Writing Activity and Pennant resource! This resource concerns the Easter Egg Hunt with Writing Activities and a Pennant! It not only adds festive decorations to your classroom but also promotes responsibility, organization, and creativity in a fun, Easter-themed way. Students will practice important sequencing skills as they prepare for the egg hunt, and teachers can rest assured that everyone feels included and excited. Perfect for engaging young learners, this Easter-themed writing activity allows students to practice letter writing in a fun and festive context. Whether they are writing invitations or reflecting on the event, they will enjoy both the creativity and the chance to get into the Easter spirit. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: An Easter Egg Hunt Pennant in black and white. (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Invitation card. (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Sequencing worksheets. (English and Spanish version) Easter Egg Hunt Rules - (for the more sensitive kids). (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - I would like to see… (English and Spanish version) If I were an Easter Bunny. (English and Spanish version) Dear Easter Bunny Letter - (needs and wants) (English and Spanish version) The more you prepare your students they will enjoy the most. Happy Easter Egg Hunt!
Anti-Bullying Activity BUNDLE

Anti-Bullying Activity BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Anti-Bullying Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! It also helps to reassure parents that there is a constant fear of their child being bullied. Teaching about bullying requires careful selection of appropriate teaching resources and a pedagogical approach that integrates critical thinking and reflection. This resource is ideal for preventing and identifying different types of bullying and associated behaviors while equipping students with effective tools to address such situations. This activity provides your students with opportunities for reflection, they can develop strategies to respond to bullying incidents and recognize that they are not alone in confronting this issue. Empathy plays a vital role in preventing bullying. This resource encourages children to adopt a perspective that considers others, rather than focusing solely on themselves. Students are encouraged to explore the emotions and experiences of individuals who are being bullied or subjected to unkind behavior. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: What is Bullying? (English and Spanish Version) Types of Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Bully and Bully Victim (English and Spanish Version) Letter to a Bully (English and Spanish Version) Letter to a Victim of Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Anti-Bullying Medal (English and Spanish Version) Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
Gender Equality Activity

Gender Equality Activity

Are you searching for an engaging resource that effectively introduces gender equality to your children? This activity provides a fun and accessible way for kids to explore their own identities, establish connections with those around them, and develop essential qualities such as self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and social support. Moreover, it promotes the values of sharing and kindness towards all individuals. Both boys and girls will learn the importance of self-worth and respecting others. This resource not only helps children comprehend and embrace gender differences but also emphasizes that boys and girls are equal in terms of rights, skills, opportunities, and more. Children will come to understand that gender equality is rooted in empathy and respect for one another. By immersing themselves in the first-person perspectives of individuals from different genders, boys, and girls are more likely to exhibit compassion towards people of those gender identities. Let us remember that in order to teach gender equality effectively, we must critically examine the messages we convey to our children on a daily basis. Get ready to witness the ease with which you can address the topic of gender in your classroom. Prepare to be amazed by the positive impact it will have! This resource includes: Page 1: Gender Equality Cover Page 2: What is Gender Equality? Page 3: I Promote Gender Equality in My Classroom Page 4: Gender Inequality Page 5: We are Kids - Similarities and Differences Page 6: Jobs Have No Gender "------------------------------ ★ Download more versions: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Gender Equality - PowerPoint Presentation Gender Equality Bracelets Craft ------------------------------" Enjoy Teaching Gender Equality in Your Class!
Anti-Bullying - Actividad Acoso Escolar (SPANISH VERSION)

Anti-Bullying - Actividad Acoso Escolar (SPANISH VERSION)

La enseñanza del acoso escolar requiere una cuidadosa selección de los recursos didácticos apropiados y un enfoque pedagógico que integre el pensamiento crítico y la reflexión. Este recurso es ideal para prevenir e identificar los distintos tipos de acoso y los comportamientos asociados, al tiempo que dota a los estudiantes de herramientas eficaces para hacer frente a tales situaciones. Esta actividad ofrece a los eniños la oportunidad de reflexionar, de desarrollar estrategias para responder a los incidentes de acoso y de reconocer que no están solos a la hora de enfrentarse a este problema. La empatía desempeña un papel fundamental en la prevención del acoso escolar. Este recurso anima a los niños a adoptar una perspectiva que tenga en cuenta a los demás, en lugar de centrarse únicamente en sí mismos. Se anima a los estudiantes a explorar las emociones y experiencias de las personas que sufren acoso o son objeto de comportamientos poco amables. Imagínate el orgullo que sentirán tus estudiantes cuando lleven con emoción sus medallas contra el acoso y expliquen con confianza su papel en la lucha contra el acoso escolar. Este recurso incluye: ¿Qué es Bullying? Tipos de Bullying Acosador y Víctima Carta a un/a Acosador/a Carta a una Víctima de Bullying Medalla Anti-Bullying "--------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! ----------------------------------------" "--------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Bullying - Mapa Mental Anti-Bullying - Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Spanish Activity Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint ---------------------------------------" ¡Feliz día del Anti-Bullying!
Valentine's Day Mini Book BUNDLE: 'I Love Myself' and SEL Writing Activity

Valentine's Day Mini Book BUNDLE: 'I Love Myself' and SEL Writing Activity

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Valentine’s Day Mini Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This engaging “I Love Myself” Mini Book enhances your Valentine’s Day lessons! This resource is the ideal way to introduce students to self-love, encouraging them to identify their strengths, recognize their achievements, and understand the connection between self-love and their daily lives. It helps instill a sense of pride and empowers students to reach their full potential. By using this mini-book, students will strengthen their self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief while gaining valuable insights into themselves. It also makes a great tool for home, encouraging family conversations and reinforcing these important lessons It helps instill a sense of pride and empowers students to reach their full potential. By using this mini-book, students will strengthen their self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief while gaining valuable insights into themselves. It also makes a great tool for home, encouraging family conversations and reinforcing these important lessons. Aligned with Growth Mindset principles, this resource promotes essential social and emotional learning skills, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day activity for your classroom! The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This BUNDLE includes: Valentine’s Day Mini Book: ‘I Love Myself’ (English and Spanish Version)
Mis Cuatro Estaciones Planes de Acción - SPANISH BUNDLE

Mis Cuatro Estaciones Planes de Acción - SPANISH BUNDLE

4 Resources
¿Sabes lo que tus estudiantes quieren de la vida? ¿Qué quieren lograr? Estos planes de acción personal, ayudan a tus estudiantes a ser más conscientes y resolutivos en la toma de decisiones que crean sus vidas. Ellos toman mejores decisiones y utilizan mejor su tiempo y recursos. Los niños tienen muchas ideas para compartir, pero a veces no son escuchados. Mis cuatro estaciones - Planes de acción enseña a los niños habilidades muy valiosas: aprenden a abogar por lo que quieren, a establecer metas y a hacer compromisos. Además, este recurso ayuda a tus estudiantes a fortalecer su autoestima y confianza en sí mismos, mientras trabajan en sus planes personales. Esta actividad les brinda una oportunidad para reflexionar y crear consenso con sus familias y amigos. Las manualidades son excelentes en los tableros de anuncios o para decorar la casa, recomiendo imprimir en cartulina para obtener mejores resultados. Los niños se sienten responsables de las acciones, recursos y tareas asignadas. Este recurso incluye: Mi Primavera - Plan de Acción Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Mi Otoño - Plan de Acción Mi Invierno - Plan de Acción ¡Felices Estaciones del Año!
My Four Seasons  Action Plans | ENGLISH BUNDLE

My Four Seasons Action Plans | ENGLISH BUNDLE

4 Resources
Do you know what your students want from life? What do they want to achieve? Personal action plans help your students to become more aware and purposeful in making the decisions that create their lives. They make improved decisions and better use of your time and other resources. Children have many ideas to share, but sometimes they are not heard. My Four Seasons - Action Plans teach children valuable skills: they learn to advocate for what they want, set goals, and make compromises. This BUNDLE helps children strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activities provide them an opportunity for reflection and build consensus with their families and friends. The crafts are excellent on bulletin boards or decorating home, I HIGHLY recommend printing on card stock for best results. Children feel responsible for the actions, resources, and tasks assigned. These resources are also fantastic for Seasonal Camps!! This resource includes: My Spring - Action Plan My Summer - Action Plan My Autumn - Action Plan My Winter - Action Plan Happy Seasons!
My Winter Action Plan BUNDLE

My Winter Action Plan BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Winter- Action Plan. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Personal action plans help your students to become more aware and purposeful in making the decisions that create their lives. They make improved decisions and better use of your time and other resources. Children have many ideas to share, but sometimes they are not heard. This bilingual BUNDLE teaches children valuable skills: they learn to advocate for what they want, set goals, and make compromises. This BUNDLE helps children strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activities provide them an opportunity for reflection and build consensus with their families and friends. The crafts are excellent on bulletin boards or decorating homes, I HIGHLY recommend printing on card stock for best results. Children feel responsible for the actions, resources, and tasks assigned. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Winter Action Plan (English and Spanish Version) Achieving My Winter Goals - Album (English and Spanish Version) Winter Action Plan Goals (Snowflake Craft) (English and Spanish Version) Happy Winter!
My Winter Action Plan

My Winter Action Plan

Do you know what your students want from life? What do they want to achieve? Winter is a time for reflection and trying new things. This personal action plan helps your students to become more aware and purposeful in making the decisions that create their lives. They make improved decisions and better use of your time and other resources. Children have many ideas to share, but sometimes they are not heard. My winter action plan teaches children valuable skills: they learn to advocate for what they want, set goals, and make compromises. This resource helps children strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. This activity provides them an opportunity for reflection and builds consensus with their families and friends. The winter craft is excellent on bulletin boards or decorating homes, I HIGHLY recommend printing on card stock (light blue) for best results. Children feel responsible for the actions, resources, and tasks assigned. This resource includes: Winter Action Plan Achieving My Winter Goals - Album Winter Action Plan Goals (Snowflake Craft) "--------------------------------------------- **Related resource: ** Download the Spanish Version! ----------------------------------------------" ---------------------------------------------" Download the rest of the Seasons: My Spring - Action Plan My Summer - Action Plan My Autumn - Action Plan My Winter - Action Plan ----------------------------------------------" Happy Winter!
Mi Invierno Plan de Acción

Mi Invierno Plan de Acción

¿Sabes lo que tus estudiantes quieren de la vida? ¿Qué quieren lograr? El invierno es un tiempo de reflexión y de probar cosas nuevas. Este plan de acción personal, ayuda a tus estudiantes a ser más conscientes y resolutivos en la toma de decisiones que crean sus vidas. Ellos toman mejores decisiones y utilizan mejor su tiempo y recursos. Los niños tienen muchas ideas para compartir, pero a veces no son escuchados. Mi plan de acción de invierno enseña a los niños habilidades valiosas: aprenden a abogar por lo que quieren, a establecer metas y a hacer compromisos. Además, este recurso ayuda a tus estudiantes a fortalecer su autoestima y confianza en sí mismos, mientras trabajan en sus planes personales. Esta actividad les brinda una oportunidad para reflexionar y crear consenso con sus familias y amigos. La manualidad es excelente en los tableros de anuncios o para decorar la casa, recomiendo imprimir en cartulina (azul claro) para obtener mejores resultados. Los niños se sienten responsables de las acciones, recursos y tareas asignadas. Este recurso incluye: Plan de Acción de Invierno Álbum - Plan de Acción de Invierno Metas Plan de Acción Invierno (Manualidad Copo de Nieve) "------------------------------------ Related resource: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------" "------------------------------------ Descarga el resto de Estaciones: Mi Primavera - Plan de Acción Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Mi Otoño - Plan de Acción Mi Invierno - Plan de Acción ------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Invierno!
My Spring  Action Plan BUNDLE

My Spring Action Plan BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Spring Action Plan. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh ideas. This personal action plan is designed to help your students become more self-aware and purposeful in their decision-making process, ultimately shaping their own lives. It enables them to make improved decisions and make better use of their time and resources. Children often have numerous ideas to share, but they may not always feel heard. My Spring action plan teaches valuable skills to children, such as advocating for their desires, setting goals, and making compromises. This resource aids children in strengthening their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activity provides an opportunity for reflection and fosters consensus-building with their families and friends. The spring craft included is perfect for bulletin boards or home decoration. I highly recommend printing it on yellow cardstock for the best results. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Spring Action Plan (English and Spanish Version) Achieving My Spring Goals - Album (English and Spanish Version) Spring Action Plan Goals (Daisy Craft) (English and Spanish Version) Happy Spring!